Group pic on the hill

Group pic on the hill

Group picture TTS11

Group picture TTS11
Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Phone call from Punta Union

I just wanted to let everyone know that I just received the most incredible voice mail from the whole group. They are doing a 6-day backpacking trip right now in a remote area in the Andes. The most strenuous day is when they cross the high pass of Punta Union at 12,500 feet. The girls called and everyone in the group yelled into the phone - "Happy Anniversary, Gennifre & Taylor!" It brought tears to my eyes to think of them all happily yelling in the thin mountain air on top of the high pass.

For those who don't know, Taylor and I got engaged at the top of the pass on a Traveling School semester in 2003. It seems that "Punta Union" was aptly named.

Thanks for the great voice mail, ladies!


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