Group pic on the hill

Group pic on the hill

Group picture TTS11

Group picture TTS11
Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Who's who ...

OK, I'm dying to put names to the beautiful faces above. Last semester, I found it helpful to be able to match the names of the teachers and girls I was hearing so much about with the faces in their group picture. So, I thought it would be fun for each us to add a comment identifying our daughter in the Valentine's day photo.

For those who didn't attend the orientation, the teachers are:
  • Cara, back row, third from left (ok, I don't know Cara, but know the other 3, so I'm assuming this is Cara ... :-)
  • Heather, back row, fourth from left (next to Cara)
  • Dawn, back row, far right
  • Claire, front row, far right

1 comment:

Barb said...

Jenna is in the back row, 8th from the left/4th from the right. She is 15, a sophomore, and had the time of her life with TTS last semester. She has a 6 yr-old sister and 2 yr-old brother who live in Wenatchee, and 3 pugs who live with me in Bellevue (outside of Seattle). Jenna is an avid reader, loves soccer, tennis, photography, piano, and, of course, travel (NYC and Amsterdam are her favorite cities; she would happily move to either on a moment's notice, :-). One on one, she can talk your ear off, but tends to be reserved and quiet in larger groups. She's caring, thoughtful, pretty even-keeled, and has a quirky sense of humor (loves The Office, Scrubs, Chuck, and SNL). Given the choice, she would do TTS her junior and senior years, too! :-)