I can't believe it's been almost a month since the girls left on this adventure! I missed Montana's last call, but she did get to speak with her father, sister and (sad) boyfriend, who happened to be visiting at the time. Sounds like they really buckled down for some classes once back from the Amazon. It's great to hear Montana excited about school again. She'd especially lost interest in math a couple of years ago, when it seemed to become irrelevent to every day life- but now Math Applications is one of her favorite subjects! Thank you, Traveling School. She is really enjoying her "drama-free" new friends. And I don't think she's ever had more than one or two teachers under the age of 40 before. The young, enthusiastic staff certainly helps!
I really look forward to hearing about the homestays, and will be very envious of their trip to the Galapagos. How many people EVER get to go there?!!
So far, Montana's only had some allergy sniffles, but I hope all the girls are feeling perfectly well, by now.
Best to all-
Donna de Kuyper
Group pic on the hill
Group picture TTS11

Happy Valentine's Day!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Update from Otavalo via Jenna
The girls were in Quito yesterday and Otavalo today, heading out tomorrow to their groupstays and community service project. Jenna has been sick and has missed several days of classes, so unfortunately, I don't have recent info on classes. But, she is really enjoying the group -- girls and teachers. She said they are learning a stomp dance (but not like the show "Stomp") which apparently they're getting pretty good at. Oh, in case you're wondering if your letter/package has arrived, Jenna said she was the only one who didn't get any mail or package yet -- oops! So at least one letter/package was received by your daughter. Oh, and between the slip in the shower leading to a hospital visit, the slew of GI ickiness, Jenna's continued illness, and a recent event (no worries -- no injuries!), I suggested to Jenna that they find a witch doctor to "cure" them of their falls, ills, etc. She said they had already been to a shaman. Sounds like they need a new shaman! I hope all is well with all parents and families!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Feb. 21, 2008
Just heard from Alex. She says it's a good group and they all hang out together. She is having fun but is tired of the rain. She has spent almost nothing in the last 21 days- bet that won't last when she gets home. She says that it's hard to use the phone card but that her Visa works fine with the phone system.
Alex was one of the kids that got the GI bug, and she says they are all over it except one kid is still a little puny. She thought it was the tuna they ate, but who knows. To be funny I started to write Claire and tell her lime ants never agreed with Alex...
Alex says that Phoebe is the funny one in the group and adds a lot to the experience. I mailed stuff to the Explores Club, but it sounds like the don't check for mail but every couple of days. Of course, now I have a few new things to send after the phone call.
Hope everyone is doing well without their daughters. Alex's sister complains " there is no drama here anymore". I get the feeling that Don and I are pretty boring by ourselves. -Laura
Alex was one of the kids that got the GI bug, and she says they are all over it except one kid is still a little puny. She thought it was the tuna they ate, but who knows. To be funny I started to write Claire and tell her lime ants never agreed with Alex...
Alex says that Phoebe is the funny one in the group and adds a lot to the experience. I mailed stuff to the Explores Club, but it sounds like the don't check for mail but every couple of days. Of course, now I have a few new things to send after the phone call.
Hope everyone is doing well without their daughters. Alex's sister complains " there is no drama here anymore". I get the feeling that Don and I are pretty boring by ourselves. -Laura
Thursday, February 14, 2008
They're in Tena, Ecuador!
HI everyone,
Sarah just phoned us! Bill and I both happened to be
home and got to talk with her for maybe 10 minutes or MORE!
She sounded WONDERFUL!! Is really enjoying herself and
is liking all the girls. Right now they just arrived in Tena which
is on the outskirts of the rain forest after a 7 hour bus trip.
It is hot and humid. (She's glad this isn't where they spent
their 2 weeks in Ecuador!)
She said the hacienda was cool that they'd been staying at
in Cayembe. They mostly stayed at the hacienda for the past
10 days with a couple of trips into the town. One night they
got to talk with the mayor who lives at the hacienda. His daughter
has been teaching them some yoga and her husband is the scientist
who spoke to them about astronomy and the ruins/and their connections
with the stars, etc......They actually went to where the equator is and
they call it the middle of the world.......(one hour walk from the hacienda)
She got to stand on both sides of the equator!
Her Spanish is going very well, she said. She said that the altitude
in Cayambe was really hard at first but they all are adjusting.
They just took an overnite hike that was "miserable, but fun at the
same time! Cold mostly-had to cross a river, then climb up a steep hill,
then when they got to the forest it was all mud. Feet got stuck. Many
were soaking wet, though my rainpants and coat kept me drier."
Sarah said a couple of girls have been homesick but she hasn't at all!
(That doesn't surprise Bill or I).
So that's the latest. Sarah sounded wonderful, confident, and happy.
What more could we ask for?
Patrice(Sarah's mom)
Sarah just phoned us! Bill and I both happened to be
home and got to talk with her for maybe 10 minutes or MORE!
She sounded WONDERFUL!! Is really enjoying herself and
is liking all the girls. Right now they just arrived in Tena which
is on the outskirts of the rain forest after a 7 hour bus trip.
It is hot and humid. (She's glad this isn't where they spent
their 2 weeks in Ecuador!)
She said the hacienda was cool that they'd been staying at
in Cayembe. They mostly stayed at the hacienda for the past
10 days with a couple of trips into the town. One night they
got to talk with the mayor who lives at the hacienda. His daughter
has been teaching them some yoga and her husband is the scientist
who spoke to them about astronomy and the ruins/and their connections
with the stars, etc......They actually went to where the equator is and
they call it the middle of the world.......(one hour walk from the hacienda)
She got to stand on both sides of the equator!
Her Spanish is going very well, she said. She said that the altitude
in Cayambe was really hard at first but they all are adjusting.
They just took an overnite hike that was "miserable, but fun at the
same time! Cold mostly-had to cross a river, then climb up a steep hill,
then when they got to the forest it was all mud. Feet got stuck. Many
were soaking wet, though my rainpants and coat kept me drier."
Sarah said a couple of girls have been homesick but she hasn't at all!
(That doesn't surprise Bill or I).
So that's the latest. Sarah sounded wonderful, confident, and happy.
What more could we ask for?
Patrice(Sarah's mom)
Friday, February 8, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Update on Ecuador news
Hi everyone,
I wanted to send this link to everyone regarding a volcano in Ecuador. Just to reassure everyone, the girls are about 4 hours north of this area, and it shouldn't impact the group. The only concern could be that their bus travel to their homestays next month could take longer if they need to travel around the area. Please let us know if you have any questions!
All the best,
I wanted to send this link to everyone regarding a volcano in Ecuador. Just to reassure everyone, the girls are about 4 hours north of this area, and it shouldn't impact the group. The only concern could be that their bus travel to their homestays next month could take longer if they need to travel around the area. Please let us know if you have any questions!
All the best,
Monday, February 4, 2008
From Phoebe's mom
Dear Family and Friends,
I write this from the Wyndham Airport Hotel in Miami....Phoebe and I arrived late yesterday afternoon into Miami to meet her Traveling School group and teachers....FINALLY!!! The last weeks have been filled with so much preparation...it felt like we would never be ready for this day....SO with an almost 50 lb. pack PLUS her daypack (@ 15 lbs) Phoebe was off!!
The group of her fellow 13 travelling ladies and outstanding 3 teachers (the 4th is advanced in Quito) were AMAZING...it has been so EASY to hand her off to her new "family" as she begins this journey into her LIFE ahead!!
Each girl (ages 15 - 18) seemed so self assured...so REAL....so READY....and nervous and scared and awkward and EXCITED!! The teachers did a presentation that was....unbelievably high intentioned, empowered, intelligent, young women leading these "lady students" off to SCHOOL...where the "world" is their classroom....I can't get over how impressive her teachers are...and when I watch them interact with this new group of travelers...I burst inside...knowing that Phoebe is in the hands of MENTORS....
It actually creates the warm and knowing feeling that it truly was "Time for her to Fly"....she IS so ready for this level of experience...one that I or Shannon or the people that she has looked to for 17+ years just aren't capable of providing...
So, with tears shed as I watched my daughter get on the bus...with that BEAUTIFUL Phoebe smile....for 3 1/2 months (she comes home on my birthday - May 15th!!)...I am so secure in her abilities to walk into her life with all the tools that I have hoped and dreamed and helped to manifest in her!!
The group has arrived in Quito, Ecuador...they will be traveling to a 1580 (as in the year built!!) Hacienda that straddles the Equator!! The girls were looking forward to seeing if water does really swirl in opposite directions in the TOILET depending on which side of the Hacienda you are on!! Apparently the Mayor of this town owns the hacienda...so the girls will be invited to participate in the town's activities and community service - when not in school....
We will not have contact for two weeks...as this gives the GROUP time to bond....Phoebe has set up a blog...I will put out that info when I get it...AND PLEASE PLEASE email....The Traveling School has encouraged us to email our students....Don't expect much in terms of a reply...but it is always great to hear/read familiar and loving words from the people she cares about most....
Phoebe left feeling physically and mentally strong in a way that will really give her the perserverance to embrace the motto of "when it's hard...work harder!
My love and gratitude to EVERYONE!
I will be back in Evergreen on Sunday night...and off on my own journey to India on Thursday of next week!! I will be in touch....
Love, Love, Love,
I write this from the Wyndham Airport Hotel in Miami....Phoebe and I arrived late yesterday afternoon into Miami to meet her Traveling School group and teachers....FINALLY!!! The last weeks have been filled with so much preparation...it felt like we would never be ready for this day....SO with an almost 50 lb. pack PLUS her daypack (@ 15 lbs) Phoebe was off!!
The group of her fellow 13 travelling ladies and outstanding 3 teachers (the 4th is advanced in Quito) were AMAZING...it has been so EASY to hand her off to her new "family" as she begins this journey into her LIFE ahead!!
Each girl (ages 15 - 18) seemed so self assured...so REAL....so READY....and nervous and scared and awkward and EXCITED!! The teachers did a presentation that was....unbelievably high intentioned, empowered, intelligent, young women leading these "lady students" off to SCHOOL...where the "world" is their classroom....I can't get over how impressive her teachers are...and when I watch them interact with this new group of travelers...I burst inside...knowing that Phoebe is in the hands of MENTORS....
It actually creates the warm and knowing feeling that it truly was "Time for her to Fly"....she IS so ready for this level of experience...one that I or Shannon or the people that she has looked to for 17+ years just aren't capable of providing...
So, with tears shed as I watched my daughter get on the bus...with that BEAUTIFUL Phoebe smile....for 3 1/2 months (she comes home on my birthday - May 15th!!)...I am so secure in her abilities to walk into her life with all the tools that I have hoped and dreamed and helped to manifest in her!!
The group has arrived in Quito, Ecuador...they will be traveling to a 1580 (as in the year built!!) Hacienda that straddles the Equator!! The girls were looking forward to seeing if water does really swirl in opposite directions in the TOILET depending on which side of the Hacienda you are on!! Apparently the Mayor of this town owns the hacienda...so the girls will be invited to participate in the town's activities and community service - when not in school....
We will not have contact for two weeks...as this gives the GROUP time to bond....Phoebe has set up a blog...I will put out that info when I get it...AND PLEASE PLEASE email....The Traveling School has encouraged us to email our students....Don't expect much in terms of a reply...but it is always great to hear/read familiar and loving words from the people she cares about most....
Phoebe left feeling physically and mentally strong in a way that will really give her the perserverance to embrace the motto of "when it's hard...work harder!
My love and gratitude to EVERYONE!
I will be back in Evergreen on Sunday night...and off on my own journey to India on Thursday of next week!! I will be in touch....
Love, Love, Love,
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Anyone hear from Ecuador?
Just curious if anyone has heard from their daughter since they arrived in Ecuador? No call from Jenna yet, so any news would be welcomed!
Even though I've been through this before, I forgot how nerve-wracking those first few weeks are ... wondering if everyone is safe and healthy, what the other girls and teachers are like, will everyone get along, how classes are going, does my daughter have everything she needs, is she remembering to take her anti-malarial medicine, etc, etc, etc.
I do know the girls are in great hands. Jenna loves Claire, Heather and Dawn (Cara is new this semester) as leaders, teachers and individuals. In her first email home last semester, Jenna said the teachers are "awesome and totally inspiring" and the news throughout the semester continued on that theme. I'm confident they will take wonderful care of our daughters and ensure all have an incredible experience. In the meantime, hang in there! Oh, and if you have any news, please share. :-)
Even though I've been through this before, I forgot how nerve-wracking those first few weeks are ... wondering if everyone is safe and healthy, what the other girls and teachers are like, will everyone get along, how classes are going, does my daughter have everything she needs, is she remembering to take her anti-malarial medicine, etc, etc, etc.
I do know the girls are in great hands. Jenna loves Claire, Heather and Dawn (Cara is new this semester) as leaders, teachers and individuals. In her first email home last semester, Jenna said the teachers are "awesome and totally inspiring" and the news throughout the semester continued on that theme. I'm confident they will take wonderful care of our daughters and ensure all have an incredible experience. In the meantime, hang in there! Oh, and if you have any news, please share. :-)
Friday, February 1, 2008
Hi everyone,
I sure am relieved that we got Sarah to the airport and checked
through her huge backpack, and off through security without any
problems. Hopefully she has all she needs and if not, she'll survive,
I'm sure! We were so happy to meet up with Jenna and her mom,
Barb and hoped they'd find Grace(who flew in to SeaTac from Eugene,
Oregon) waiting at Gate D7! After 17 years of raising Sarah, this seems
like the beginning of her really stretching her wings! What an adventure they
all will have. I am very happy for them all.
And today I crashed! All the details in preparing for this trip have been
something else!
Hope everyone else is doing OK now that the girls have started on their journey.
Patrice(Sarah's mom)
I sure am relieved that we got Sarah to the airport and checked
through her huge backpack, and off through security without any
problems. Hopefully she has all she needs and if not, she'll survive,
I'm sure! We were so happy to meet up with Jenna and her mom,
Barb and hoped they'd find Grace(who flew in to SeaTac from Eugene,
Oregon) waiting at Gate D7! After 17 years of raising Sarah, this seems
like the beginning of her really stretching her wings! What an adventure they
all will have. I am very happy for them all.
And today I crashed! All the details in preparing for this trip have been
something else!
Hope everyone else is doing OK now that the girls have started on their journey.
Patrice(Sarah's mom)
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